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IMPRA lectures
- For an equal and egalitarian musical life!
An inspiring and hopeful lecture for a musical life we all want to be a part of!
During IMPRA's lecture, we begin by talking about what IMPRA is, what we have done and our current projects. The participants receive information about the current situation in Sweden in jazz and improvisational music through statistics, conversation and discussion.
The participants then receive a purely lecture part where the main topics covered are norms, inclusion and intersectionality. They then get the tools to formulate how they themselves should work with gender equality and equality within the organization they are in, whether it is their own workplace, their school or generally in their professional life.
We let the participants talk about and formulate what they should start, stop and continue with in order to better contribute to a more equal and equal jazz scene in Sweden.
The lectures are aimed at both music students and staff at high school, in boards, folk high schools as well as colleges and universities.
Lecturer 2024+2025
Lina Nyberg, singer and composer but also lecturer in singing at the Grieg Academy in Bergen, Norway and at the Royal The Academy of Music in Stockholm. In 2006, she helped start IMPRA together with Gunilla Törnfeldt. In 2011-2012, she was the Statens Musikverks project manager for the Jämställdhets project and wrote, among other things, this report with analysis and description of the assignment: -operations-2011.pdf
Lecturer 2024+2025
Sara Aldén is trained in gender studies at the University of Gothenburg and is a freelance jazz singer with several active music projects in Sweden. She has been lecturing for us at IMPRA since 2020. Sara holds an artistic master's degree in improvisational music with a focus on jazz singing at the Academy of Music and Drama in Gothenburg and is studying a master's degree in gender studies. In IMPRA, Sara is chairperson and social media manager.
Previous lectures
20210205 - AVESTA - Sjövik Community College // 20210412 - SKURUP - Skurup Community College // 20210416 - GÖTEBORG - Academy of Music and Drama // 20210420 - STOCKHOLM - The Royal Academy of Music // 20210423 - STOCKHOLM - Kungliga Musikhögskolan // 20210423 - SVALÖV - Fridhem Community College // 20220427 - STOCKHOLM - Kulturama gymnasium//20210921 - BOLLNÄS - Bollnäs Community College // 20210922 - LINKÖPING - Lunnevad Community College // 20211117 - ÅS - Birka Community College // 20220512 - VÄXSJÖ - St Sigfrids Community College // 20220503 - GÖTEBORG - Academy of Music and Drama // 20220602 - TINGSRYD - Academy of Music and Business // 20221007 - AVESTA - Sjöviks Community College //20221017- SKURUP - Skurup Community College // 20221114 - VÄXSJÖ - St Sigfrid Community College // 20230123 - STOCKHOLM - Rytmus // 20230203 - SVALÖV - Fridhem Community College // 20230316 - PITEÅ - Framnäs Community College// 20230322 - OSKARSHAMN - Oskarshamn Community College // 20230915 - SVALÖV - Fridhem Community College // 20231115- LINKÖPING - Lunnevad Community College // 20231117 - AVESTA - Sjövik Community College // 20231124 - SKURUP - Skurup Community College // 20231212 - MALMÖ - Malmoe Academy of Music // 20240110 - TJÖRN - Billströmska Community College // // 20240222 - STOCKHOLM - The Royal Academy of Music // 20240223 - GÖTEBORG - Hvitfeldska Gymnasium // 20240308 - MALMÖ - Musikcentrum Syd // 20240404 - GÖTEBORG - Academy of Music and Drama // 20240414 - BREMEN - Jazzahead // 20240419 - KARLSTAD - Music Academy Ingesund // 20240426 - PITEÅ - Piteå Jazzfestival
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