Stina Ágústsdóttir
Vocals, composer & lyricist
Stina Agustdottir is considered one of Iceland's best jazz artists and today she is just as established in Sweden! Both here in Sweden and in Iceland but also in Montreal where she worked for a few years, she is known for her fantastic stage performances and she confirms that she loves playing live and being on stage.
She has been nominated for an Icelandic Grammy both for the album Jazz a Islensku (2017) and for The Whale (2021). Jazz a Islensku has already become a classic in Iceland and is used in music education and is often played on the radio. Stina lives in Sweden since
2011 and has played with names such as Max Schultz, Håkan Broström, Erik Söderlind, Simon Berggren, Henrik Linder, Joel Lyssarides, and Kjetil Mulelid. Stína is active in Stockholm.
Current projects
