Be an ally
Be open and aware. People who identify as men are not exposed to difficulties to the same extent as people who identify as non-men. It is then important that people who identify as men try to be informed and aware of what is going on, even if you are not directly affected by the discrimination that happens to others.
It is important that people who identify as men pay attention when there is a boyish atmosphere. A boyish atmosphere often contributes to an unattractive environment for people who identify as non-men. A more inclusive and safe environment benefits us all.
It is important as an ally to remember that we have a responsibility to be aware of and aware of gender and equality discussions.
As an ally, we are not done with the equality and equality work just because we played once with a person who identifies as non-man. It is a work in progress that we will never be "done" with. We can constantly develop and improve our way of working with these issues.
If you identify as a man, it is good if you dare to talk to other men about equality and equality issues. We often feel comfortable expressing our thoughts if we are in a safe space with a group that we ourselves can identify with.
Generally in society, people who identify as men are encouraged to wear their special interest outwardly. It is then easier for them to take a seat and talk about their interest in the public space. This may be one reason why there are more people who identify as men who study at higher jazz educations. We as educators play an important role here in encouraging, creating room and place for people who identify as non-men to carry and continue with their special interest.
It often becomes a competitive jargon music education among those who identify as men. People who identify as non-men often skip the courses because people who identify as men often want to show that it is the best. This competition jargon can then contribute to making it hard to relate to people who identify as non-men in the boyish competition jargon. It is important that we are aware and actively try to work against this competition jargon in order to create a safer environment where more people feel comfortable and welcome.
In general, it is very homogeneous when it comes to class background at most music educations in Sweden. It is important that we constantly work with an intersectional perspective when marketing and the admission processes for the educations in order to create space for more musicians.
An in-depth debate and a deeper discussion is needed. Not only discussion and ascertainment of the problem, but also analysis, discussion of the measures that are put in place.
If the goal is to have an equal and equal music scene, the way there must be inclusive for everyone. The way there is just as important as the end result. We should not need an education in gender studies to take part in the discussion and to learn more and become more aware.
It is important that we dare to talk about these things, even if it can sometimes feel difficult because it evokes feelings and memories from past experiences. We must try to see it from a larger perspective than the personal.
It is important to remember and remind yourself not to compare yourself to other people's stories and stories, everyone has their goals, experiences and time.
To include and exclude - the problem when we unknowingly exclude someone means that we unknowingly contribute to inequality and that creates a big problem. Here it is important that we try to be aware of our own shortcomings and that we actively try to educate ourselves to become more inclusive.
One's background and upbringing can mean that we are not aware of other people's problems and difficulties. Then it is important that we are open to new lessons later in life.
Stopping something doesn't have to be a bad behavior that we need to stop, but we can take small steps in the right direction. It is not possible to suddenly delete yourself and start over.
It is important to talk about these issues even in a homogeneous group where everyone thinks the same. A safe space, more people we identify with often contribute to us daring to express our thoughts and feelings in sensitive matters.
As people who identify as non-men, we should not be content with our education if it is unequal and or unequal, we can influence our education to be more inclusive.
As an ally, we should not think that our opinions alone are enough, it is our actions that count. In the same way that we can think equally and equally, we can also make equality and equality in the choices and actions that we make in our everyday life.
Start/continue giving space, or stop taking space if you notice that you are a person who often takes up space in a group and contributes to others not getting space.
Continue to discuss gender and equality issues. These issues develop all the time and we have a responsibility to continue to educate ourselves and follow the development of these issues.
Be open to playing with new people, encountering other styles and inputs. This contributes to more diversity on the music scene in Sweden but also new experiences for you and your music.
Do you want to get started right away and pass this work on to your work team or study group? Take part in IMPRA's action plan. Through this tool, you and your university can concretely decide what to work on, in what order, how you will do it, who is responsible, when it will be finished and when you have reached your goal - evaluate how the work went. The action plan is free to download as a template and can be found here .
We at IMPRA hope that the IMPRA Toolbox will inspire you, that you will get concrete tools, more ideas and want to work more with gender and equality work at your school. If you feel that something is missing in an area, or if something is difficult to understand, do not hesitate to contact us if you have more ideas, thoughts or need to brainstorm ideas. You can also take a look at the Genus Conference 2021 Toolbox, where there are more tips and tools on how you can contribute to a more egalitarian music education.
If you want to know more about IMPRA's lectures, click here.
If you want help with, or to share your thoughts on, any of the above, contact us at IMPRA.
You can find contact information here .